Maytech annually conduct a customer satisfaction survey to gather information about what we are doing well and where we can do better. Our ultimate goal is to provide an excellent customer experience.

The survey spans a range of topics, including data transfer needs, customer serviceCorporate Data Management Policies, GDPR, and suggested features you’d like us to develop. The survey findings provide a sound basis for determining how Maytech can focus its efforts to enhance our secure file transfer products and customer experience.

Outstanding results for Maytech Net Promoter Score — 4 years in a row

For the fourth year in a row, we are thrilled to report that Maytech’s Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 95%, a measure of our customers’ willingness to recommend Maytech to others, has exceeded the industry average quoted by NPS Benchmarks by more than 1.5x.

Maytech Customer Voice

2018: 95%
77% of surveyed said they would recommend Maytech to a friend or colleague.
18% of surveyed said they already recommended Maytech to a friend or colleague.

2017:  97%
90% of surveyed said they would recommend Maytech to a friend or colleague.
7% of surveyed said they already recommended Maytech to a friend or colleague.

2016:  93%
77% of surveyed said they would recommend Maytech to a friend or colleague.
16% of surveyed said they already recommended Maytech to a friend or colleague.

2015:  100%
80% of surveyed said they would recommend Maytech to a friend or colleague.
20% of surveyed said they already recommended Maytech to a friend or colleague.

Maytech customer satisfaction levels are 90%+

To get a more detailed picture of how our customers perceive our products, we questioned them on a few important metrics. These results together with the NPS, represent powerful feedback on our service goals.

  • 95% of respondents said the service is easy to understand and manage
  • 90% of respondents said they are pleased with the service Maytech provides
  • 95% of respondents said Maytech meets their expectations
  • 100% of respondents believe that our staff go the extra mile to help them and are knowledgeable about our file sharing products

Customers’ data transfer requirements

survey results The key drivers for customer requirements are: a need in secure file sharing across their business, with 71% of respondents citing this.

36% of respondents needed SFTP hosting / automated workflows and 14% were driven by ISO 27001/ HIPAA/ PCI DSS compliance requirements. 

Overall, 92% of respondents said Maytech products meet all their data transfer requirements.

Corporate Data Management Policies

  • 67% of respondents have a Corporate Data Management Policy / Data Security Strategy in place. 
  • 19% of respondents don’t have Data Management Policy, however, they plan to introduce one soon.

GDPR had an obvious impact in 2018, with 62% of Maytech survey respondents impacted by GDPR during the year and 33% said they haven’t been impacted with anything compliance related this year.

Finally, 74% of respondents said their internal or external audits covered file sharing (within and/or outside the organisation) demonstrating the increasing focus by business to manage their data sharing effectively.

Thank you to those who participated in this survey, and to all of you who provide feedback to Maytech throughout the year. We value your input and recognise it as a key element to the success of our business and to help us achieve our goals of world-class service. 

Do you have a story in which Maytech solved your file sharing pain-points? Don’t hesitate to share it with us via email.